About Us

Our Story

Tiffin is a concept inspired by freshness and founded on family. Preparing and sharing traditional Indian meals is our way of connecting, and an important part of who we are. We believe that food has the power to bring fulfillment by nourishing not only our bodies, but also our souls.

We’re breaking all the rules for something different this time.

We swapped dark colours for light, embraced open space, and invited sight-lines to the kitchen.

Our greatest joy comes from sharing that experience with others; inviting them to enjoy the exotic aromas and lively flavours of regional Indian cuisine. Over the years we’ve opened restaurants that deliver a traditional experience, until there was Tiffin – a fresh take on Indian dining.

We adorned the walls with vibrant artwork by local talent

We committed to the environment by creating biodegradable packaging. 

Tiffin is the future of Indian fare – carefully prepared, conveniently served and never short on quality.

This is our story


We owe a lot to the earth, so we try to reduce our environmental impact wherever we can.

It started with one of the biggest culprits – packaging. We went back to the drawing board and created biodegradable alternatives to replace the bulk of our packaging and set a goal to be fully biodegradable by the year 2020.

Power to the planet!


Our success is deeply rooted in our connection to the communities we operate within. To us that means contributing to a healthy ecosystem, dedicating time and financial support for the collective benefit of the community, and enriching the lives of the people we call our neighbours.

If you have a sponsorship enquiry, please email us at info@tiffinfreshkitchen.com